Khairunnisah Khairunnisah


In accordance with the 1945 Constitution, the Indonesian economy is
structured based on economic democracy, where business units or the
economy are formed based on joint ventures and kinship with the network
must be fostered a sense of shared responsibility for the business process
so that interested parties get results that are worth the effort each one.
Agreement is an event in which someone promises to another person or an
event in which someone promises to carry out in a matter in this event
arises a relationship between these two people which is called an
According to article 1601 a Civil Code the employment agreement is an
agreement whereby the one party namely the laborer binds himself to the
other party (the employer) binds himself to employ one party (labor) by
paying a stipulated wage.
The system that occurs at Mall Matahari Department Store where before
the cashier's work is preceded by the existence of a work agreement in the
form of a written agreement, the contents of the agreements are only
determined / made unilaterally, but the officer and employer agree. So
that the officials felt like it or not had to implement the agreement made,
because the agreement was binding. For an agreement between the
employer and the screen officer, the researcher uses the term work
agreement which states that this agreement is about work, that is, the
existence of a work agreement arises from a party to work. What is clear
in the agreement must be clear to both parties. So that one of them cannot
get out of the agreement that has been agreed upon. And the agreement
must not harm one party or only benefit the other party (in this case the
employer / company).

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31293/lg.v3i2.4116


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