Frendly Albertus dan Yosana Zalukhu


A social problem tells of the difficulties, especially a number of
residents in East Kalimantan to obtain welfare, a healthy environment,
and agricultural land that can be used to make a living. Steam power
plant construction projects are one of the causes of coal mining. Where it
will bring the positive side, that the community needs electricity, but on
the other hand will affect the natural resources that are around the
disruption of community activities that are farming and gardening. East
Kalimantan is the largest coal producer in Indonesia and has high natural
resource potential. Coal itself is a non-renewable natural resource and if
it is continuously extracted it will affect the environment and water
resources. In the regulation of the Minister of RI No. 26 of 2018, article
20 paragraph 2b reads "Prevention and restoration of the environment in
the event of environmental pollution and / or damage". But the data prove
that in 2014-2018 it has claimed as many as 115 people due to the mine
pit. In this case, environmental damage in East Kalimantan, especially
around the coal mining area, must take an administrative and educational
approach, in which the government sanctions legal coal mining
entrepreneurs and creates a mining education program to channel ideas
and knowledge about sources environmentally friendly energy.

Full Text:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31293/lg.v4i1.4421


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