Hubungan antara Trust dan Kepribadian Agreeableness dengan Intensi Berbagi Pengetahuan pada karyawan perusahaan berbasis Knowledge Management di PT. Pertamina Balikpapan

Helena Mariani .


This research aims to determine whether there are significant relationships
between trust and agreeableness personality with knowledge sharing intention. The
independent variables of this research are trust and agreeableness personality,
meanwhile the dependent variable is knowledge sharing intention. The hypotheses of
this research are; (1) there is a relationship between trust and knowledge sharing
intention, (2) there is a relationship between agreeableness personality and
knowledge sharing intention and (3) simultaneously, there are relationships between
trust and agreeableness personality with knowledge sharing intention.
This research was addressed to employees on Knowledge Management based
company and surveyed 101 employees of PT. Pertamina Balikpapan especially in the
Marketing Unit of Region VI. This research used the random sampling by Slovin
Data analysis technique used multiple regression analysis. The results showed
that there were positive and significant relationship between trust and knowledge
sharing intention with beta = 0.238, R2 = 0.482, t = 4.860 and p = 0.000. There
was a relationship between agreeableness personality with knowledge sharing
intention with the value of beta = 0.759, t = 15.509, R2 = 0.814 and p = 0.000.
Then there were significant relationships between trust and agreeableness
personality with knowledge sharing intention, with F = 278.033, R2 = 0.847, and p
= 0.000 .


Trust, Agreeableness Personality, Knowledge Sharing Intention.

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