Zuhdi Yahya



The aim of this research is to know the role of the politics towards the good governance.The background of it is that the coruption in many countries including Indonesia has been carried out by most of the state officers.For examples (1). The governor of Banten province, (2).The The head of  Mining Officer Service  in Nunukan and the Secretary of Samarinda Municipal.The method of the research is librarary research by getting data from mass-media either printed like news paper , magazine ,brosoure or electronics  like television , internet , website  and twitter .The results of the research are that Ratu Atut has corrupted the health equipment  in Bnaten , Azis has been bribed by Bruneian businessmn , H.Ibrahim  of the project of road in th boarder area  in Nununkan and Fadly Illa has been marked up of the land price in Samarinda .The suggestions t minimize the corruption are (1).To supervise continuelly on the public affairs (2).To make the good governance (3).To effort the supremacy of law.


Corruption, Governance, law Project,

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