Analisis Ramalan Penjualan Iklan Jenis Jingle dan Add Lips Pada PT. Radio Berita Kaltim (Antara News Radio) Samarinda

Heriyanto Heriyanto


This study aims to determine which method is most appropriate
between the Method of Least Squares (Least Square Method) and
Methods Semi average (Semi Average Method) are on Standard
Error Forecasting (SKP) Smallest in the sale of advertising in
particular types of jingles and add lips the period 2010 / 2011.
Formulation of the problem in this research is: "Which Usage
Among Least Squares Method of Forecasting Techniques (Least
Square Method) and Semi Method Average (Semi Average Method)
are on Standard Error Forecasting (SKP) Smallest. The hypothesis
in this study is: "Straight Line Trend Analysis Appropriate Used To
Calculate forecast for Ad Sales At PT. Radio East Kalimantan
(ANTARA News Radio) Samarinda Namely Least Squares Method
(Least Square Method). Analysis and hypothesis testing tools
used are Least Squares Method (Least Square Method), Method
Semi average (Semi Average Method), Standard Error Forecasting
(SKP) is used to determine which method is most suitable of the
two methods. Value Standard Error Forecasting (SKP) of the
smallest shows that the forecast drawn closer conformity. The
analysis showed that the Least Squares Method (Least Square
Method) is the most appropriate method is used to forecast the
type of jingle advertising sales and add lips as has Standard Error
Forecasting (SKP) Smallest. It is seen from the calculation of the
type of ad sales forecast jingle advertising sales increased as
much as 94 units with total revenues Rp28.200.000, - and Standard
Errors Forecasting (SKP) 2.08. Ad sales types lips add as many as
101 units with a total revenue Rp48.480.000, - and Standard Errors
Forecasting (SKP) 0.87. In calculating the average Semi method
(Semi Average Method) advertising jingle types of 222 units with a
total revenue Rp 66.600.000, - and Standard Errors Forecasting
(SKP) 3.85. Ad sales types lips add a total of 106 units with a total
revenue Rp50.880.000, - and Standard Errors Forecasting (SKP)
1.08. These findings indicate that the research hypothesis is


advertising, forecast, jingle, sales

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