Peran Perpustakaan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Pemustaka Pada Dinas Perpustakaan Kota Samarinda

Nanik Pujiastuti dan Munawarah


The purpose of this study is to determine the role of libraries in
increasing interest in library visitors at Dinas Perpustakaan Kota
Samarinda and to know the services provided in increasing interest in
reading the library visitors at Dinas Perpustakaan Kota Samarinda.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The
technique used is Purposive Sampling and Accidental Sampling technique. In
this study, the authors also use survey research, interviews, and
documentation in order to obtain data on the Role of Library in Improving
Reading Interest of Library Visitors at Dinas Perpustakaan Kota Samarinda.
The results showed that some of the role of libraries in increasing the
interest of reading library visitors at the Dinas Perpustakaan Kota
Samarinda hasn’t run smoothly, namely the availability of a complete
collection of books and the provision of adequate facilities. As for
socialization activities and services to library visitors have been running, but
not maximized because of the obstacles.
In conclusion, the role of the Library in Improving the Interest of
Visitors Library at the Dinas Perpustakaan Kota Samarinda is still not
maximal in the implementation of its activities, because constrained the
limited budget funds, wide working areas, and inadequate facilities.


Role, Library, Socialization, Service, Samarinda City.

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Sumber Internet : (Diakses 09 Februari 2017).



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