Pengaruh Total Quality Management (Tgm, Gaya Kepemimpinan,. Kedisiplinan Kerja dan Fungsi Monitoring) Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

Heriyanto Heriyanto


Influence Total of Quality Management (TQM), Style Leadership, Job
Discipline and Function of Mentoring to Performance Employees of PT.
Kemakmurn Berkah Timber Samarinda.
To be able improved Performance Employees in a company or
organization, hence required by factors able to improve Performance itself.
As for the factors is Totalizeing Quality Management, Style Leadership, Job
Discipline and Function of Mentoring.
This Formula research internal issue is" What is there Total influence
of Quality Management, Style Leadership, Job Discipline and Function of
Mentoring to Performance Employees.
This Research aim to know Total influence of Quality Management,
Style Leadership, Job Discipline and Function of Mentoring to Performance
Method Research by using quesioner with scale of likert. Research
population is entired all employees of PT. Kemakmuran Berkah Timber and
of sampel research counted 45 employees people with technique intake of
sampel that is totalizeing sampling.
Analyzer the used multiple regression which where beforehand have
to test and validity of reliabilitas and also test classic assumption.
Pursuant to result of solution and research hence Totalizeing Quality
Management and Job Discipline have an effect on positive and significant to
Performance Employees, so that Ho refused and Style Leadership not have
an effect on positive and not significant, so that Ho accepted. While Function
of Mentoring have an effect on positive but not significant to Performance
Employees, so that Ho accepted.
From result of this research expected can be used as by input to
management side upon which consideration in order to make-up of
employees performance.


Total Quality Management, Style Leadership, Discipline Job, Function of Mentoring, Performance Employees

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