Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Dinas Perhubungan Kota Samarinda

Julianty Wulandari Maskan dan Frendly Albertus


This study aims to determine the Influence of Organizational Culture on
Employee Performance At Department of Transportation in Samarinda City.
The result of the research shows that there is a positive and
siginificant correlation between Organizational Culture variable with
Employee Performance at Department of Transportations in Samarinda City.
Another thing can be known from the result of statistical test Koefisien
Korelasi Product Moment the result is r = 0,504 which means there is a
strong and positive relationship between the two variables.
Meanwhile, t test result ( table coefficients) obtained t value counted
= 4,038. While the table statistics (ttabel) obtained from table t ( attached) for
= 1,677 means t count > t table ( 4,038 > 1,677 ). So it can be concluded that,
the independent variable Organizational Culture has a positive and sinificant
relationship to Employee Perfomance. Thus it can be said also that the
purpose of this study can be achieved, the problem can be solved and the
hypothesis can be proven.


Organizational Culture, Employee Performance

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