Yoga Achmad Ramadhan


This Research aims to analyze and description of psychological
well-being of Al-Qur’an Memorizer who were blind. The research is a
qualitative research with phenomenology study approach. Data collection
method used in this research was interview. Data analysis used in this
research was qualitative desriptive. Data realibility checking was done using
triangulation technique. According to the research, there found that
psychological wealth Al-Qur’an Memorizer where subject AB and SY are able
to accept themselves just the way they are, controlling warm relations with
other to fit it with their needs, having purpose, and clear meaning of life, also
aware and use their potential in continuous way.The increased of
psychological well-being was obtained due to social support from family,
friends and community. They both reported an increased psychological
well-being after they reached life goals dimension. This study revealed life
goals as initial dimension that helped subjects to reach other dimensions of
psychological well-being: self acceptance, independence, environment
mastery, personal growth, and positive relationships with others.


Psychological well-being, memorizer of Holy Al-Qur’an, blind.

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