Agus Kusmawati, Maskan, dan Wesley Liano Hutasoit


Quality control of educators or teachers in the field of basic education is a
very important field in developing education in a country. Developed
countries can be sure to have an excellent system and quality of education.
This is because the education sector is very influential on the quality of
human resources.
The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of educators in the
field of basic education at the Education Office in East Kutai District and to
determine the quality control of educators in the field of basic education at
the Education Office in East Kutai District.
The research method used in this study is a descriptive research method with
a qualitative approach. This type of research focuses on problems or actual
phenomena at the time the research is conducted, then describes the facts
about the problem being investigated as they are accompanied by rational
and accurate interpretations.
The quality of education cannot be separated from the procedure of
educational evaluation. This means that in order to improve the quality of
education a better evaluation system must be created. The evaluation system
(measurement, testing / evaluation, evaluation and evaluation), in addition to
the procedures that must be systematic, the implementation must also have
high accountability, and the results are expected to get recognition from
education stakeholders.
Management of educators and education staff is a process of managing
potential human resources and has a role in realizing national education
goals. Management of educators and education staff is a management
mechanism that must be carried out thoroughly and continuously from the
teaching staff and excellence through the process of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, compensation, awards,
coaching and training / development, and dismissal. All of that carried out to
form and produce qualified educators and education staff in accordance
with their respective fields. An educational organization such as a school
has the right to choose and make a selection to receive teaching staff and its
education. This is intended so that schools can be better quality so that the
students can be of good quality as inputs.


quality control, educatorsbasic

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Undang undang dan Peraturan:

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Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia No 25 Tahun

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