Muhammad Jepri, Mahdalena Risnawaty, Ahmad Riza


Along with the development of the world of cinematography among young people in Tenggarong, where their activities include making films, short films, film screenings, and film competitions. However, there are no facilities or gathering places for them, so it is necessary to create a place or place that can provide facilities for the cinematographic community. The purpose of this research is to plan a Cinematography Center with a metaphorical architectural concept in the form of a building taken from the formation of a film camera, and to provide a forum for the activities of the cinematography community in Tenggarong including through production, training of various film works, exhibitions, various competitions and events. It is hoped that this plan will accommodate communities in Tenggarong who are interested in cinematography, both theoretically and practically, so that they can produce the best works that can compete nationally. By emphasizing the architectural style of concrete metaphors (tangible) in the planning of the building by taking the formation of a retro film camera that is transformed, it is hoped that it will be able to give the characteristics of a building that will be planned.


inematography, Tenggarong, Metaphor Architecture

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