Arief Vicky andree Robin Jonathan 2 Mardiana


Effect of Individual Characteristics and Job Factors on Motivation at PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda. Under the guidance of Mr. Robin Jonathan as mentor I and Mrs. Mardiana as mentor II.

The formulation of the problem of this research is 1. Are Individual Characteristics and Job Factors have a positive and significant impact on the Motivation at PT. Intertropick Aditma Samarinda. 2. Does Individual Characteristics have a positive and significant impact on the Motivation at PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda. 3. Does the Job Factor have a positive and significant effect on the Motivation at PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda.

The basic theory of Human Resources that focuses on Individual Characteristics, Job Factors and Motivation. Hypothesis of this research are 1. Individual Characteristics and Job Factors have a positive and significant impact on Motivation PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda. 2. Characteristics Individuals have a positive and significant impact on the Motivation of PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda. 3. Job factors have a positive and significant effect on the Motivation at PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda.

The sample used is 98 respondents. Sample selection method used is slovin calculation method. Analyzer that is used is doubled linear regression analysis.

The results of research include: 1. From the independent variables studied at PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda, variable Individual Characteristics and Job Factors have a positive and significant impact on employee performance PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda. 2. From the value studied variable Characteristics Individuals have a positive and significant impact on PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda. 3. From the value examined variable job factors have a negative and insignificant effect on PT. Intertropick Aditama Samarinda


Individual Character, Working Factor, Motivation

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