Wirdayana Eka Yudhyani Nurfitriani


The objectives of this research are: 1). To find out and analyze the influence of cultural factors on consumer decisions in purchasing mobile phones Samsung2). To find out and analyze the influence of social factors on consumer decisions in purchasing mobile phones in Samarinda Seberang. 3). To find out and analyze the influence of social factors on consumer decisions in purchasing mobile phones in Samarinda Seberang. 4). To find out and analyze the influence of psychological factors on consumer decisions in purchasing mobile phones Samsung5). To find out and analyze the influence of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors together on consumer decisions in purchasing mobile phones in Samarinda Seberang.

This research was conducted in Samarinda Seberang. Samples were taken as many as 96 respondents with the Non Probability Sampling with purposive sampling technique. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analysis tool in this study used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS v23 program tools.

The results showed that 1). The cultural factor variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions. 2). Social factor variables have no significant effect on purchasing decisions. 3). Personal Factor Variables no significant effect on purchasing decisions. 4). Psychological variables have a significant significant effect on purchasing decisions. 5). The variables of cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors together have a significant effect on purchasing decisions


Cultural Factors, Social Factors, Personal Factors, Psychological Factors of Purchase Decision

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