Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Pada Puskesmas Temindung Samarinda

Fenny Fuji Lestari 1 Mardiana 2, Nurfitriani 3


The purpose of this study is: 1.) To find out the reliability affecting patient satisfaction at the Temindung Samarinda Health Center. 2.) To find out the responsiveness affects patient satisfaction at the Temindung Samarinda Health Center. 3.) To find out the guarantee affects patient satisfaction at the Temindung Samarinda Health Center. 4.) To find out empathy affects patient satisfaction at puskesmas Temindung Samarinda. 5.) To find out the physical evidence affecting patient satisfaction at the Temindung Samarinda Health Center. 6.) To find out the reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and physical evidence affecting together on patient satisfaction at the Temindung Samarinda Health Center.

This research was conducted at Temindung Samarinda Health Center. The sample was as many as 100 respondents with non probability sampling method with the retrieval technique using Simple Random Sampling. Data collection by distributing questionnaires using likert scales to measure each indicator. The analysis tool in the study uses multiple linear regression analysis

The results showed that: 1.) The reliability variable provided by the Temindung Samarinda Health Center had a significant effect on patient satisfaction. 2.) The responsiveness variable provided by the Temindung Samarinda Health Center has no significant effect on patient satisfaction. 3.) Variable guarantees provided by the Puskesmas Temindung Samarinda have a significant effect on patient satisfaction. 4.) Empathy variables provided by the Puskesmas Temindung Samarinda have a significant effect on patient satisfaction. 5.) Variable physical evidence provided by the Puskesmas Temindung Samarinda has a significant effect on patient satisfaction. 6.) Variables of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and physical evidence provided by the Temindung Samarinda Health Center together have a significant effect on patient satisfaction


Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangible, Patient Satisfaction

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