Muhammad Riskiyannur Camelia Verahastusi Purwanti3


The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze: 1. The effect of long-term commitment on the performance of Hermina Samarinda Hospital. 2) The effect of education and training on the performance of the Hermina Samarinda hospital. 3) The effect of teamwork on the performance of the Hermina Samarinda hospital. 4) The influence of long-term commitment, education and training and teamwork together on the performance of the Hermina Samarinda hospital.

This research was conducted only on Hermina Samarinda hospital employees. Samples were taken as many as 100 respondents with proportional random method. Data collection techniques using field research and library research. Collecting data by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analytical tool in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis.

The results of the study show that 1) the long-term commitment variable has a significant effect on the performance of Hermina Samarinda Hospital. 2) Education and training variables have a significant effect on the performance of the Hermina Samarinda hospital. 3) The teamwork variable has a significant effect on the performance of the Hermina Samarinda hospital. 4) The variables of long-term commitment, education and training and teamwork together have a significant effect on the performance of Hermina Samarinda Hospital


Long Term Commitment, Education and Training, Teamwork, Employee Performance

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