Pengaruh Rasio BOPO dan Rasio ROA Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Pada Bank BUMN di Indonesia (Tahun 2020-2022)

Monalisa Ipen1 Nurfitriani Zilfana


The aims of this research to examine and analyze effect of BOPO ratio and ROA ratio on profit growth in Government Bank in Indonesia at period 2020-2022.

            The method in this research use the quantitative method. The collect data using secondary data obtained from annual report was published of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) on period 2020-2022. The collect sample technique using purposive sampling.

The analyze method in this research using multiple linier regression, classic assumption test, and coefficient determination.

            The result of this research show that the BOPO ratio (X1) and ROA ratio (X2) partially and simultaneously have a significant effect on profit growth (Y). The BOPO ratio (X1) and ROA ratio (X2) was influenced profit growth of 38,7%, while the 61,3% is explained by other variable in outside the research.


Rasio BOPO, Rasio ROA, Pertumbuhan Laba

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