Riskha Ayu Kusumaningrum Heriyanto2 Daury Rahardian Sriandanda3


Taxes are one of the largest domestic revenues, one of which is to finance domestic spending, micro small and Medium Enterprises have also been recognized by the government as an important sector in economic development. In 2018 there was a change in government regulations regarding micro small and Medium Enterprises tariffs, in Samarinda Ulu District itself has a fairly high economic growth and a high number of micro small and Medium Enterprises recorded in Samarinda Ulu District.

        This study aims to determine the effect of taxpayer awareness on tax payment compliance by micro small and Medium Enterprises, the effect of taxpayer awareness on tax payment compliance by micro small and Medium Enterprises and the effect of taxpayer understanding and taxpayer awareness on tax payment compliance by micro small and Medium Enterprises in Samarinda Ulu District.

            The results of this study have a significant effect on taxpayers' understanding of tax payments compliance by micro small and Medium Enterprises actors, the effect of taxpayer awareness has a significant effect on tax payment compliance by micro small and Medium Enterprises actors, and the effect of taxpayer understanding and taxpayer awareness jointly affects tax payment compliance. by micro small and Medium Enterprises actors in Samarinda Ulu District.


Taxes, Tax Rates, Understanding Of Taxpayers, Awareness Of Taxpayers, Awareness Of Tax Payment, Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises

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