Analisa Harga Pokok Produksi (HPP) Dalam Menentukan Harga Jual Tahu Studi Penerapan Metode Full Costing Pada Ud Jaya Bersama

Mochamad Andi Prasetyo Eka Yudhyani EY. Suharyono


The Perpose Of Research are analize and diferrent1) Cost Of Good Sold tahu/Kg with Full Costing Method more high company method on UD Jaya Bersama in Samarinda. 2)  Sale Price  tahu/Kg with Full Costing Method more high company method on UD Jaya Bersama in Samarinda.

Grand Theory is Management Accounting, Research result are  1) Cost Of Good Sold tahu/Kg with Full Costing Method more high company method on UD Jaya Bersama in Samarinda. 2) Sale Price  tahu/Kg with Full Costing Method more high company method on UD Jaya Bersama in Samarinda.

Coclution of Research are 1 ) Cost Of Good Sold tahu/Kg with Full Costing Method more high company method on UD Jaya Bersama in Samarinda. 2) Sale Price  tahu/Kg with Full Costing Method more high company method on UD Jaya Bersama in Samarinda. Suggest of research is  hope the company advantage of full costing Methode  for calculation  of cost of good production  and cost of good sold


Cost Of Good Sold,, Sales Price and Full Costing

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