Analisis Tingkat Kesehatan Unit Simpan Pinjam Koperasi LKM-A Harapan Makmur Pada Tahun 2020-2021

Evi Rohyani Mardiana2 , Catur Kumala Dewi


This study aims to determine the health level of KSP LKM-A Harapan Makmur in 2020-2021 based on the Regulation of the Deputy for Supervision of the Ministry and SMEs Number: 06/Per/Dep.06/IV/2016.

This research is a type of evaluative descriptive research with the research subject of KSP LKM-A Harapan Makmur and the object of this research is the level of health. Collecting data in this study using interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive evaluative based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of Small and Medium Enterprises and Enterprises Number: 06/Per/Dep.06/IV/2016.

The results of this study show that overall the health level of KSP LKM-A Harapan Makmur in 2020-2021 is in the fairly healthy category with an average score of 77.43. The capital aspect gets a score of 14.30 (healthy), the asset quality aspect gets a score of 10.00 (under special supervision), the management aspect gets a score of 15.00 (healthy), the efficiency aspect gets a score of 8.00 (quite healthy), the liquidity aspect get a score of 13.13 (healthy), aspects of independence and cooperative growth get a score of 10.00 (healthy), aspects of cooperative identity get a score of 7.00 (fairly healthy).


Health level, Savings and Loans Cooperative, Perdep KUKM Number:06/Per/Dep.6/IV/2016

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