Pengaruh Fasilitas, Harga, Promosi, Dan Lokasi Terhadap Keputusan Masyarakat Berkunjung Ke Tempat Wisata Negeri Jahetan Layar Di Kutai Lama

Fretty Tr Rina Masithoh Danna Solihin


          Analysis of the Effect of Facilities, Prices Promotions and Location on People’s Interest in Visiting Tourist Attractions in Jahetan Layar Country in Kutai Lama. Under the guidance of Mrs. Rina Masitoh Hariyadi, as supervisor I and Mrs. Danna Solihin,as supervisor II.

    This study aims to determine and anayze the influence of facilities, prices, promotions and location on people’s interest in vising tourist attraction of the Negeri Jahetan Layar in Kutai Lama . The theoretical basis used in this study includes facilities, prices, promotions, location and purchase interest.

This research was counducted on the interest of visiting the public to the tourist attraction of visiting the public to the tourist attraction of the Negeri Jahetan Layar in Kutai Lama, the populations and samples were taken as many as 150 respondents using the non-probality sampling method, precisely purposive samping. The data analysis techniques used are multiple liner regressions analysis and hypothesis testing using t test and f test, using SPSS vertion 25 program.

The results of data analysis in this study, it can be concluded that the variables of facilities, prices, promotions and location stimulant have a positive and significant effect on public visiting interest. The result of the t test showed that the location variable did not have a significant effect on people’s end interest, while facilities, price, and promotions had a significant effect on people’s visiting interest in the object.


Visiting Interesert, Inluencer of Amenties, Price, Promotion and Location

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