Nowadays, marketing activities are an important factor for maintaining and developing a business. The higher the level of competition in business, it requires management to innovate in retaining its customers. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the marketing mix consisting of product, price, location and promotion variables influences the decision to purchase a Trex brand folding bicycle at Toko Mulia Bicycles Samarinda.The theory used in this study is marketing management, the 4p marketing mix, namely product, price, place, promotion and purchasing decisions.
The theory used in this research is marketing management, 4p marketing mix, namely product, price, place, promotion and purchasing decisions.
The method used in this research is a quantitative method, the population in this study is buyers of folding bicycles at Toko Mulia Bicycle Samarinda, the sample in this research is buyers of Trex brand folding bicycles at Toko Mulia Bicycle Samarinda in September 2023, namely 40 samples, analysis tools used is SEM PLS with outer model and inner model testing.
The research results show that the t test results of the product and location variables have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions, while the price variable has a negative and significant effect on purchasing decisions and the promotion variable has a positive but not significant effect on purchasing decisions.Keywords
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