Aditya Amrul Romadhon Danna Solihin 2, Nufitriani3



This research aims to find out and analyze the influence of the marketing mix consisting of product, price, place, promotion and people on purchasing decisions, both partially and simultaneously.

This research uses primary data, namely, 96 respondents using purposive sampling method consisting of consumers who made purchases at the Amw store in Samarinda. Data collection was held by distributing questionnaires using Google Form using a Likert scale to measure each indicator.

The analytical instruments used in this research consist of instrument tests consisting of validity and reliability tests, classical assumption tests consisting of normality tests, multicollinearity tests and heteroscedasticity tests. The research method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis consisting of a partial test (t test), simultaneous test (f test) and coefficient of determination using the SPPS V25 statistical program tool.

The research results show that: 1) Product variables have a positive but not significant effect on the decision to purchase vape at the Amw Store, Samarinda. 2) The price variable has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase vape at the Amw Shop, Samarinda City. 3) The place variable has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase vape at the Amw Shop, Samarinda City, 4) The promotion variable has a positive but not significant effect on the decision to purchase vape at the Amw Shop, Samarinda City. 5) The person variable has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase vape at the shop. Amw Store Samarinda . 6) The product, price, place, promotion and people variables have a positive and significant effect together on the decision to purchase vape at the Amw Store, Samarinda.


Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Purchasing Decision

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