Audry Fiorensa Luvi1 Eka Yudhyani2 Muhammad Maulana


The Influence of Lifestyle, Price, and Promotion on the Purchase Decision of E-Vape Cigarettes in East Kalimantan Province.

      This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of lifestyle, price, and promotion on the purchase decision of e-cigarette vape in East Kalimantan Province. Grend teori used in this study is marketing management, and other the-ories related to research variables.

      This study was conducted on Vape Electronic Cigarette users in East Kalimantan Province, the population in this study is Vape Electronic Cigarette users in East Kalimantan Province. In this study there were 100 samples. Data collection using online questionnaires. The data obtained were analyzed using statistical formulas, namely by using instrument test analysis, classical assumption tests, and multiple linear regression with the SPSS program version 25.

      The results showed that: 1). Lifestyle has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. 2). Price has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. 3). Promotions have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. 4). Lifestyle, price and promotion have a positive and significant effect together on purchasing decisions in using e-cigarette vape in East Kalimantan Province.


Lifestyle, Price, Promotion and Purchase Decision

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