Simon Moring Imam Nazarudin Latif2 Sayid Irwan


influence of Work Motivation, Work Environment, Work Culture on the Performance of Employees of the Department of Education and Culture in Samarinda. The theoretical basis used in this study includes work motivation, work environment, work culture, and employee performance. The research was conducted on employees working in the Department of Education and Culture in Samarinda. The research method used was Purposive Sampling, a sampling technique with specific considerations, where the sample used consisted of 79 out of a population of 385 people. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires through Google Forms. The analysis tool used in the study was multiple linear regression using the statistical tool SPSS version 25.

The results of this research indicate that:

                Work motivation has a significant influence on the performance of employees of the Department of Education and Culture in Samarinda, meaning that high work motivation can be related to the improvement of an organization's performance. With high work motivation, employees of the Department of Education and Culture in Samarinda are enthusiastic and passionate about their work.

                Work environment has a significant influence on the performance of employees of the Department of Education and Culture in Samarinda, meaning that the more comfortable the perceived work environment is for employees, the higher their performance.

                Work culture has a significant influence on the performance of employees of the Department of Education and Culture in Samarinda, meaning that the better the work culture, the higher the performance of employees.

Work motivation, work environment, and work culture together have a significant influence on the performance of employees of the Department of Education and Culture in Samarinda. This means that if work motivation, work environment, and work culture collectively improve, the performance of employees will also increase.


Work Motivation, Work Environmen, Work Culture and Employee Performance

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