Vivin Elfiana Eka Yudhyani2 Daury Rahardian Sriandanda3


This study aims to determine and analyze the financial performance of PT. Indika Energy Tbk 2017-2020 based on liquidity ratios (current ratio and quick ratio), profitability ratios (net profit margin, return on assets and return on equity). The data needed is 4 years, namely from 2017 to 2020 obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange.

            The basic theory used in this research is financial statement analysis. The analytical tools used are current ratio, and quick ratio for liquidity ratio, net profit margin, return on assets, and return on equity for profitability ratio.

The results of this study indicate that: 1) Current ratio at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 has an average increase, the increase is due to an increase in the company's current assets, both the addition of cash received and an increase in inventory. 2) Quick ratio at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 has an average increase, the increase is caused by an increase in the total current assets which do not take inventory into account. 3) Net profit margin at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 experienced an average decline, the decrease was due to a decrease in net profit followed by an increase in sales. 4) Return on assets at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 experienced an average decline, the decrease occurred in net profit and total assets. 5) Return on equity at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 experienced an average decline, the decrease occurred in net profit and total equity.

            The conclusion of the hypothesis of this study Financial Performance Analysis of PT. Indika Energy Tbk Viewed from the Liquidity Ratio and Profitability Ratio for the 2017-2020 period based on: 1) The liquidity ratio is based on the current ratio at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 has an average increase, so the hypothesis is accepted. 2) Liquidity ratio based on the quick ratio at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 has an average increase, so the hypothesis is accepted. 3) Profitability ratio based on net profit margin at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 has on average decreased, so the hypothesis is rejected. 4) Profitability ratio based on return on assets at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 has on average decreased, so the hypothesis is rejected. 5) Profitability ratio based on return on equity at PT. Indika Energy Tbk in 2017-2020 has on average decreased, so the hypothesis is rejected.


Financial performance, liquidity ratios, profitability ratios

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