Pengaruh Citra Merek, Harga, dan Iklan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) merek Le Minerale di Kota Samarinda

Herniati 1 Danna Solihin Nurfitriani 3





The Innfluence of Brand Image, Price and Advertising on Purchasing Decisions of Le Minerale Brand Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK) in Samarinda City. Under the guidance of Mrs.Danna Solihin, as supervisor 1 and Mrs. Nurfitriani as supervisior II.

            The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of Brand Imege, Price and Advertising on Purchase Decisions for Le Minerale Brand Bottleed Drinking Water (AMDK) in Samarinda City. The theories used in this research are Brand Image, Price, Advertising and Purchase Decisions.

            This research was coducted in Samarinda City. The sample taken was 97 respondents using the Nonprobability Sampling methode with a sampling technique using the purposive sampling. This data was collected using questionnaires using a likert scale to measure each indicator. The analytical tool in this research uses multiple linear regressions analysis using the SPSS V22 tool.

            The results of this research show that Brand Image has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase Le Minerale brand Bottled drinking water (AMDK) in Samarinda City. Price has a negative and significant effect on the decision to purchase Le Minerale brand bottle drinking water (AMDK) in Samarinda city. Advertising has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase bottled drinking water (AMDK) of the Le Minerale brand in Samarinda City, and Brand Image, Price, and Advertising together have a significant effect on the decision to purchase bottled drinking water (AMDK) of the Le Minerale brand in Samarinda City.




Brand Image, Price, Advertising, Purchasing Decisions

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