Rian Pratama Putra1 Heriyanto2 Camelia Verahastuti3


Financial performance can be measured by industry profitability. The hig her profitability ratio can at tract new entrants to enter the industry, because profitability is the most appropriate indicator to measure the performance of a bank. The entire management of a bank, including capital management, asset quality management, general management, profitability management and liquidity management will ultimately affect and lead to profit (profitability) in banking companies. PT. Bank Panin Indonesia, Tbk is one of the largest Commercialand Retail banks in Indonesia. Panin Bank conduct edaninitial public offering and became the first bank in Indonesia tolistits shares on the stock ex change. Supported by a strong fundamental foundation, Panin Bank wasable to get through various difficult periods in the Indonesian economy.

The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the profitability of PT Bank Panin Tbk by using the financial ratio formula analysis tool, namely the formula for Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets, and Return On Equity.

The theory used in this study is the theory of financial management, especially banking, with fundamental analysis consisting of profitability ratios, namely net profit margin, return on assets and return on equity with PT Bank Panin’s financial data for 2017-2019.

Based on the results of the study, it was found that the Profitability financial ratios based on Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets and Return On Equity every year from 2017-2019 have in creased.


Profitability Ratio, Net Profit Margin, Return On Assets, Return On Equity

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