Triastuti 1 Rina Masithoh Haryadi Mita Sonaria3


Triastuti: The Influence of Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty of KFC Bigmall Samarinda, under the guidance of Mrs. Rina Masitoh Haryadi as Supervisor I and Mrs. Mita Sonaria as Supervisor II.

Creating customer satisfaction is the company's first step in building good relationships with its customers. Customer satisfaction can be profitable for the company because satisfied customers will make customers loyal to the company. Consumer satisfaction is a person's emotional response that arises after comparing the perceived performance of a product or result with the expectations they have.

This research uses quantitative and descriptive research as its research method. The sampling technique used by researchers is purposive sampling. Purposive sampling with a minimum number of respondents of 90 people.

The findings in this research, namely that customer satisfaction has a positive impact on loyalty, can help KFC direct their marketing strategy more effectively. They may focus on campaigns that highlight the benefits of their services or products, as well as emphasize the importance of customer feedback. Furthermore, if KFC is able to increase customer satisfaction significantly, this can provide a strong competitive advantage in the Samarinda City market. Satisfied customers are more likely to choose KFC over other competitors, which in turn can increase the company's market share.


Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, KFC

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