Febrina Hardiyanti Saleh 1, Nurfiani2 Malinda Kharista


Inventory is an asset intended for sale or further processing to become finished goods and then resold as the company's main activity. Inventory control needs to be carried out to maintain inventory levels at optimal levels so that savings can be obtained for the inventory. Effective inventory control is key for pharmacies to avoid problems such as high storage costs, risk of product damage or loss, and capital trapped in inventory that is not immediately turned into cash. Large quantities of inventory can cause additional costs and unwanted risks, while small quantities of inventory can hinder the fulfillment of consumer needs. Therefore, it is important for pharmacies to manage inventory optimally. One method that can be used is Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), which helps determine the most efficient order quantity to minimize total inventory costs and ensure the availability of the right goods to meet consumer demand.

The aim of this research is: to determine and analyze the level of optimization of the supply of the drug Bodrex Migra at the Ricky Pharmacy. This research was carried out only on the inventory of Bodrex Migra drug products at Ricky Pharmacy with a period of January to December 2023. The data collection technique used in this research was library research. The analytical tools used in this research were EOQ (Economic Order Quantity), Safety Stock, and Reorder Point.

The research results show that the supply of Bodrex Migra medication at Ricky Pharmacy is not optimal because there is a difference in the calculation of total inventory costs. This happens because the inventory control carried out by Ricky Pharmacy does not use special calculations, resulting in discrepancies resulting from doubts in ordering medicines and potentially causing high storage costs and the risk of damaged or lost goods


Inventory, Economic Order Quantity, Safety Stock, Reorder Point

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