Rifqotul Aulia Dewi 1 Eka Yudhyani2 Catur Kumala Dewi 3


Customer loyalty is an important thing that must be had in maintaining business continuity. If customers are loyal, it will trigger them to continue buying the products sold by the company. Loyalty plays an important role in maintaining business continuity. Increasing customer loyalty requires developing marketing strategies to be able to capture the market and be able to retain customers. The marketing strategy is implemented by paying attention to product, price, promotion and location factors. This research aims to determine and analyze the partial influence of product, price, promotion and location on Pizza Hut customer loyalty in Samairnda City.

This research was conducted only on Pizza Hut customers Jl. S. Parman Samarinda. The sample taken was 100 respondents using the purposive sampling method. Data collection techniques use field research and library research. Data collection by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analysis tool in this research uses outer model and inner model analysis with the smartPLS application.

The research results show that 1) The product has no significant effect on customer loyalty at Pizza Hut in Samarida City. 2) Price has a significant effect on customer loyalty to Pizza Hut in Samarida City. 3) Promotions have a significant effect on customer loyalty to Pizza Hut in Samarida City. 4) Location has no significant effect on customer loyalty to Pizza Hut in Samarida City.


Products, Prices, Promotions, Locations, Customer Loyalty

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