Inovasi Teknologi Finansial Menghadapi Era Digitalisasi di Desa Budaya Pampang

Galuh Hayatun Nufus, Rani Zulfia, Titin Ruliana



Global developments are leading to the use of technology in all fields, including the economic sector, which must utilize digital technology in all aspects and business activities. Indonesia is one of the countries that is quickly adapting to digitalizing its economy. In the digital era, technological developments are the main driver in the development of the creative industry. Technological developments provide various new opportunities for the creative industry, such as the ability to market products or services online, expand business networks globally, and increase efficiency in production and distribution. The creative industry is also increasingly dependent on technology to produce quality and innovative products or services. Technologies such as graphic design, animation, and image and sound processing are becoming increasingly important in the creative industries. Pampang Village, as one of the tourist and educational destinations owned by the Dayak tradition, has a regular agenda for traditional Dayak dance performances. Not only that, they also sell several original Dayak handicraft trinkets. The people of Pampang Village themselves have begun to become aware of the technological innovations that occur in the current digital era, they are starting to follow the ease of payment transactions for buying and selling their crafts by applying financial technology without the need to use cash anymore and replacing it with the Kris (QR) payment system and the other payments.

Keywords: Inovation, Financial Technology, Payment System, Era of Digitalization, Tour


Inovation, Financial Technology, Payment System, Era of Digitalization, Tour


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