Pengaruh Tingkat Suku Bunga dan Inflasi Terhadap Jumlah Deposito Berjangka PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia

A'imatul Hasanah, Andi Indrawati


This research aims to determine the effect of interest rates and inflation on the amount of time deposits at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The variables used in this research are interest rates, inflation, and the amount of time deposits. The method used was multiple linear regression analysis. The data in this study was secondary data which obtained from Bank Rakyat Indonesia Samarinda Branch Office 1. The results of the analysis showed that deposit interest rates and inflation (Inf) together (simultaneously) do not have a significant effect on the amount of deposits at Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.035 indicates that the degree of relationship (correlation) between the independent variable and the dependent variable is 3.5%. This means that interest rates and inflation have a relationship with the amount of deposit savings of 3.5%. Based on partial testing, the results of the interest rate do not have a partial effect on the amount of deposit savings because the sig value is 0.361 > 0.05. Inflation does not have a partial effect on the amount of deposit savings because the sig value is 0.569 > 0.05


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