Yovianus Kevin Setiawan, M Rido'i, Chelma Febriyanti, Akbar Riyadi, Aditya Nor Hakim, Umi Kulsum


Online transportation is a type of transportation that takes advantage of application-based technological developments. It can also make orders and payments directly using the application. The transportation business is very profitable; one indicator that is easily seen is the rapid growth of transportation business players or similar companies such as Go-Jek, Grab and Maxim. Next, Go-Jek and Grab are still the most prominent in market competition in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to determine the difference in customer satisfaction levels between Go-Jek and Grab users. This research uses quantitative methods with primary data sources obtained from questionnaires distributed to GO-JEK and Grab consumers in Samarinda city, East Kalimantan province. Data analysis was carried out using t-Test Two sample Assuming Equal Variances analysis to compare the results of the questionnaire. Furthermore, the calculation result from t count is 0.92709445 and t table is 2.14478668 so it can be concluded that if t count < t table. It can be seen that  there was no significant difference between Go-Jek and Grab customer satisfaction. After carrying out and distributing the questionnaire that had been created and calculated. It can be concluded that almost all users who have filled it out stated that there was no significant difference or had a big influence on the two applications. It was because the both features are almost same.


Perbedaan; Kepuasan Pelanggan; Pelayanan; Ojek Online


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