Febby Ayu Nurchaya, Nur Fitriani


Consumer attitude is one of the important factors influencing purchasing decisions. Attitudes have a close relationship with beliefs and behavior. If consumer attitudes are positive towards online transactions, consumers will try to build their trust. The marketing mix, also known as the "marketing mix," consists of four main elements: product, price, promotion, and distribution. The influence of the marketing mix on Shopee, an e-commerce platform, is very significant and plays an important role in achieving business goals. This research aims to examine the magnitude of the influence of marketing mix aspects (7P) on purchasing decisions at Shopee. The research method used in this research is a quantitative method, where research data is in the form of numbers and analysis uses statistics  The sampling technique used in this research was nonprobability sampling with the snowball sampling method, with a sample size of 117 respondents obtained through Bernoulli formula calculations. The price variable (X1) has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions (Y) with a regression coefficient (B) of 0.189 with tcount -2.579 and the significant value obtained is 0.05<0.5. These results prove that the marketing mix variable with the price dimension has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions


Buying Decision; Marketing;price; Promotion


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