Jorgi Apri Saputra, Wensi Triani Rano, Refky Aulia Dinata


Students who have the opportunity to study at a university, especially in Economic field, certainly have the opportunity to have more financial knowledge than students with non-Economics education. The opportunity to gain this knowledge certainly has implications for their financial knowledge. Learning in higher education plays an important role in the process of forming students' financial literacy. Therefore, researchers want to find out whether it is true that students who have more financial knowledge also have better financial behavior than those with minimal financial knowledge or vice versa, students who have less financial knowledge will have better financial behavior than students who have a higher level of financial knowledge.  A research approach is a design, guideline or reference for the research to be carried out. Then, based on  the problems raised in this research, it can be said as a quantitative approach. This research design is needed, so that researchers obtain the right data according to the characteristics of the variables and research objectives. The researcher's aim in this research is to find out and explain the influence of the predetermined title, namely the influence of financial literacy on students' financial behavior. Lastly, the results of hypothesis testing prove that the calculated t value of 6,128 with a significance value of 9,632 is smaller than the p value of 0.01, this means that there is a direct influence of financial literacy on student financial behavior. It can  be conluded  that  the higher a student's knowledge about finance results  in the wiser the student in managing their finances.


Literasi Keuangan ; Manajemen Keungan ; Perilaku Mahasiswa.


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