Yosua Ansen, Erzha Taufany Narendra, Faizal Reza


Purchasing decisions are the result of consumers considering several factors before deciding to buy the goods and services they desire. In this context, there are two main factors influencing purchasing decisions: product quality and price. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of product quality and price, both individually and collectively, on the purchasing decisions of consumers using Scarlet skincare products. The research method employed is quantitative, involving descriptive statistical analysis and a sampling technique known as purposive sampling. Primary data is used, with a sample of 100 respondents who are users of Scarlet skincare products. The analysis is conducted using the multiple linear regression analysis method.  The research results indicate that product quality, when considered individually, has a positive influence on purchasing decisions. This is evident from the t-value being greater than the t-table (10.389 > 1.660) and the significance value being less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). On the other hand, price, when considered individually, does not have a positive influence, as indicated by the t-value being lower than the t-table (-1.721 < 1.660) and the significance value being greater than 0.05 (0.088 > 0.05).


Product Quality: Price: Purchasing Decision


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