Rizaldi Rajab, Astrid Napita Sitorus


Banks believe they can store money to make transactions easier for people. Apart from collecting funds, banks can also distribute funds such as credit loans to help provide business capital, investment and improve community welfare. Between savings banks and loans, banks must be measurable so that banks remain stable and maintain money circulation so that customers can trust a bank to save their money. The article aims to analyze bank health using the RGEC method at Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The RGEC method is an option for assessing the health of a bank using the Risk Profile method in the form of NPL (Not Performing Loan) and LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio), GCG (Good Corporate Government), Earning ROA (Return On Assets) NIM (Net Interest Margin) values. ) ) and CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio) In this research, the documents required are bank financial reports at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia TBK. 2019 – 2022. The results of the NPL the hypothesis is accepted, GCG at PT Bank BRI the hypothesis is accepted, ROA at Bank BRI tbk in 2020 there was a decrease in profits to 2021 and 2022 the hypothesis is accepted, NIM at Bank BRI tbk the hypothesis is accepted and CAR at Bank BRI the hypothesis is accepted based on the results of the analysis above. Lastly, it can be concluded that PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia still has very healthy values from the analysis using the RGEC method (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, and Capital).


Anon. n.d.-a. “Bologna, Pierluigi.”

Anon. n.d.-b. “Irawan Noor, M.”

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