Radityo Suksmaneng Daru, Dahlia Natalia


Sustainable development in the most optimal economic aspect for Indonesia is economic activity that is focused on shared prosperity. There needs to be activities that are profitable for consumers and producers, but do not have a major negative impact on the environment. From producers and managers of the tourism industry, it is necessary to have a product in the form of goods or services with minimal processing that does not have a negative impact on the environment. This can be done by packaging products with environmentally friendly materials, using raw materials that do not harm various parties, and managing the environmental image in such a way that it can be managed well in tourism in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan. Tourists are expected to get benefits in the form of good quality services, in accordance with the price of tourism services marketed. The Indonesian government continues to be committed to implementing sustainable development in accordance with the 2020 - 2024 RPJMN regulations where sustainable development has been designated as one of the aspects aimed at providing access to fair and inclusive development, as well as protecting the environment. Thus, sustainable development is expected to improve the quality of life from one generation to the next. Sustainable financial development in national economic recovery certainly encounters various challenges that need to be resolved together. The biggest challenge for the sustainable tourism industry is how to provide understanding to the community and business actors to align social economic and environmental interests. Therefore, the Government continues to embrace various stakeholders to carry out its commitments and carry out sustainable development.


environmental image;tourism, Berau, management, sustainable development


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