Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Pembinaan Sosial Budaya Masyarakat di Kabupaten Timur (Studi di Dinas Pemberdayaan MAsyarakat dan Desa Kabupaten Kutai Timur)

Rusmawati dan Wesley Liano Hutasoit


East Kutai Regency as an integral part in the system of Regional
Autonomy Government has the right, authority and obligation of
autonomous regions to manage and manage their own government affairs
and public interests of Samarinda City according to the laws and
regulations. Autonomous Region is a legal community unity which has
territorial boundaries that are authorized to regulate and manage
government affairs and public interests according to their own initiative
based on community aspirations in the system of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia.
The process of community empowerment is one of the keys to social
welfare. Community involvement, whether physically, thoughtfully,
materially or financially, is expected to increase the sense of community and
sense of belonging and process of empowerment to the community. Thus
there is a strong link between empowerment and participation.
In community empowerment, community participation or involvement
is needed in the implementation of empowerment, community participation
based on self-willingness means that villagers participate in empowerment
based on confidence and awareness that comes from within themselves.
Community empowerment can be defined as a process that builds
people or communities through the development of community capacity,
changes in community behavior, and community organizing. From these
definitions, there are three main objectives in community empowerment:
developing people's capacity, changing people's behavior, and organizing
The purpose of empowerment in the social and cultural field is to
realize the welfare of the people which is characterized by the improvement
of the quality of decent and dignified life and to give primary attention to the
fulfillment of basic needs. The general targets to be achieved are increasing life expectancy, declining rate of population growth, decreasing total birth
rate, decreasing coarse mortality rate, increasing social and cultural
resilience, increasing position and role of women, increasing active
participation of youth, as well as increasing culture and sporting
achievement. To achieve these objectives and targets, various social and
cultural empowerment policies and programs have been implemented,
covering the areas of health and social welfare, including population and
family planning; culture; position and role of women.


Community Participation, Social and Cultural Empowerment

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