Table of Contents
Effect of Application Time and Dosage of Cow Manure on the Growth and Yield of Mustard (Brassica juncea L.).
Adriani, Helda Syahfari .
Elly Jumiati, Mardhiana, Ira Maya Ab .
The Influence of Cow Manure and Super Natural Nutrition Liquid Organic Fertilizer on the Growth and Results of Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.) Honey Varieties
Gregorius Galu, Hery Sutejo, Legowo K .
Evaluation of Soil Revegetation Success Rate Ex-Pit Coal Mine in Kitadin site Embalut Kutai in East Kalimantan.
I Gede Eka Budiana, Jumani Jumani, Maya Preva Biantary
Potential of Mangrove Ecosystem for Silvofishery Development in Kutai National Park, East Kalimantan
Iin Sumbada S, Erny P, Muli E, Imanuddin .
Effectiveness of Sintetic Retardan on Growth and Display Period of Sunflower (Hellianthus annus L.).
Imam Suhadi, Nurhidayati, Bona AS .
A Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Clustering and K-means Clustering for 15-day Rainfall Datain DIY Province.
Joko Suryanto
Morphological and Anatomical Characteristics of Herbaceous Plant Leaves in Different Light Intensities in Education Forest of Forestry Faculty of Mulawarman University
Karyati, Jhen Rio R, Muhammad S .
The influence of Cow Manure and Liquid Organic fertilizer Super Natural Nutrition towart growth and yield of land cress (Ipomoea reptans Poir).
Nova Iswanto, Puji Astuti, Zuhdi Y .
Microfuel Inventory And Its Potential As Biofertilizer And Agensia Biological Controller On The Land Of Coal Mine Reclamation In Samarinda
Rosfiansyah, Sopialena, Surya Sila .
The Effect of Giving Cow Manure and NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 Fertilizer on the Growth and Production of Lectuce (Lactuca sativa L.).
Rurin Ernawati, Noor Jannah, Akas PS .
Infiltration Rate at Several Land Cover in Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat Karst Area of East Kutai Regency.
Sri Sarminah, Indirwan .
Effect of SP- 36 Fertilizer and Cow Manure on the Growth and Yield of Barley orJagaq (Setaria italica L.).
Wilson Markoni, Marisi N, Abdul F .