Kadek Leo Setiawan, Arman Efendi, Wardhana Wardhana


The purpose of this research is to design the Pura Agung Tirtha Mahakam in Samarinda as an effort to provide worship facilities in order to increase faith and piety towards God Almighty. The benefit of the research is to provide knowledge and insight regarding the design of worship facilities and guidance, especially for Hindus, with the Balinese and Dayak architecture accuracy approach. The results of the design of Pura Agung Tirtha Mahakam apply the acculturation of Traditional Balinese and Dayak architectural styles to the building to reflect the local architectural style so as to create an original and harmonious building. The mass arrangement is planned with the tri dharma arrangement on the site landscape, with the position of the place of worship at the highest position as the most important part of human life for praying and worshiping, physically and spiritually regulating human life in such a way.


Temple, Hindu, Samarinda

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