Ayu Widyawaty, Prasetyo Prasetyo, Dimas Bintang Mudrajad


The development of the songbird market in Samarinda shows a significant economic impact and the growth of an active bird lover community, even though it does not yet have a dedicated market. The existence of several shops and communities that love songbirds shows a strong interest in maintaining and developing this hobby. The aim is to create a planning concept for the Bird Market which is used as a place to buy and sell chirping birds, namely Pleci birds, Bornean Murai Batu birds, Lovebirds, Canaries, Hummingbirds, Green Cucak birds, and also Kacer birds. With supporting facilities, namely selling equipment, feed and medicine as well as providing a hanging area as a place for training and gathering for the songbird lover community using a Neo-Vernacular architectural approach in the building. The benefit of research is to provide direct learning experiences to increase insight in planning a Songbird Market.

The results of the design for the chirping bird market were designed by applying elements of bird beak shapes, as well as elements of bird cages and bird nests which became the basic design idea. Neovernacular Architectural elements can be created with Dayak ornaments combined with modern materials such as bituminous roofs, glass facades, rattan with Dayak motifs.

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