- P-ISSN:1693-2439
- E-ISSN: 2828-8440
- DOI: 10.31293/PD
- URL: http://ejurnal.untag-smd.ac.id/index.php/PD/index
Prediksi: Jurnal Administrasi dan Kebijakan is a national and open access journal published by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University of August 17, 1945 Samarinda. Prediction focuses on the development of the study of the humanities and social sciences. The purpose of our journal is to promote a principled approach to research in the field of social sciences and humanities specifically focusing on Political Science and State Administration and Policy Sciences.
Prediksi have a full commitment to the authenticity of published articles and papers. Any authority that submits its articles to Prediksi for publication must be able to prove that the submitted work is an original contribution and has never been published in part or in whole in any other print media. To achieve this commitment, Prediction provides an objective and fair peer review of every article submitted by blind reviewers from other universities.
Vol 23, No 3 (2024)
Table of Contents
Penerapan Pelayanan Prima dalam Penerbitan E-KTP Melalui Klampid New Generation (KNG) di Kecamatan Pakal Kota Surabaya
DOI : 10.31293/pd.v23i3.7553
Sindy Mahrani, Susi Hardjati
Strategi Program Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga Dalam Peningkatan Keluarga Sejahtera Di Kelurahan Pegirian
DOI : 10.31293/pd.v23i3.7558
Fania Khalsa Utami Baroroh, Indira Arundinasari
Resiliensi Badan Usaha Milik Desa Kuta Kencana di Desa Kutanagara Kecamatan Malangbong Kabupaten Garut
DOI : 10.31293/pd.v23i3.7630
Eneng Devi Safitri, Sawitri Budi Utami
Collaborative Governance Dalam Pusat Pembelajaran Keluarga (PUSPAGA) Di Balai RW 02 Penjaringansari Kecamatan Rungkut Kota Surabaya
DOI : 10.31293/pd.v23i3.7581
Azizah Ramadhani Mega Nahda W, Bagus Nuari Harmawan
Transparansi Keuangan Daerah Dalam Era Desentralisasi Fiskal: Tinjauan Manajemen Keuangan Daerah
DOI : 10.31293/pd.v23i3.8272
Dony Azfirmawarman, Asnil Asnil, Aldri Frinaldi, Nora Eka Putri
Analisis Manajemen Komunikasi dalam Proses Percepatan Guru Besar Dosen FISIP Universitas Mulawarman
DOI : 10.31293/pd.v23i3.8426
Hairunnisa Hairunnisa, Eca Sherlianika, Laurensia Soraida Alvis, Ani Sukma Dewi